The system behind

your business listing is an online business directory designed to list businesses from all over the world (kind of comparable to a local business directory, but its digital and worldwide based). Basically, our website provides users who visit our webpage with a huge selection of companies they might be searching for.
Since our users want to find specific content, we equipped our online business directory with a huge range of search filters, all individually set up for our variety of listing types.


What are listing types?

We offer over 15 listing types, each separately set up for our specific search filters. With listings types, we mean different types of businesses.
For example, a listing for an English news magazine would fit in the “News & Politics” listing type, while a listing for a nightclub would fit into the “Entertainment & Events” section.


How can a user search through our database of businesses?

Users of our webpage have two different “panels” to search with:

    • Basic search form
    • Advanced search form


Basic search form

Our basic search form can be found on our homepage. It has a selection of upmost 4 search attributes, with at least one attribute referring to the location of the user. We think that it’s significant that a user has the option to search for businesses near his location so he can pick a nearby business (even though he doesn’t necessarily need it).

Advanced search form

Our advanced search form can be found under the “Explore” tab of our webpage. It provides every listing type we offer and all filters the user needs to find the destination he’s looking for.
The addition of a world map (which you can find on the right section of the advanced search form) shows the exact locations of the businesses for the specific listing type the user has selected.


Adding your business listing

If you are a customer of our website and want to add your business listing, you’ll find the explanation how to do it in this section of our article.


Register your account

To add a listing, you first need to register a new account on our website. Just press on the upper right Register button and type in your e-mail. After you submitted, you will automatically log in and shortly after that receive an e-mail providing you with your password so you can re-log in.


Start to add your business listing

After you registered successfully, you can add your business listing by pressing the upper right button “Add a listing”.
You now get to the selection of listing types. Think about what type fits the most for your business and select it.


Choosing your package

The next step is to select your package. We have 3 packages available: the Basic Free Package, the Advanced Package and the Premium Package, each providing you with different perks:


  • The Basic Free Package
    This package provides you with the most basic tools to list your business. You have one listing submission available with an expiration of one year, a limited description of max. 20 words and max. 2 gallery pictures available.
    It doesn’t offer the full potential of our companies directory, but is free, which makes it available to all businesses who want to try out an online business directory.
  • The Advanced Package
    This package offers you one listing submission with an extended description length of max. 100 words, 1 year of expiration and the verified badge for your listing (users can check if a business is verified, which makes your listing more reputable).
    In addition to that, your listing will also be featured, meaning it has a higher standing in the search forms and is on top of the business entrees.
  • The Premium Package
    This package offers you not only one but two listing submissions with the full description length of max. 500 words. Your listings won’t expire and they will both be verified.
    In addition to that you can give one of these listings the promotion status which is the highest business priority you can get on our online business directory and lists your business on the very top of users search entrees (even above featured listings). The other of your business listing you submit will also get featured, meaning both listings are strongly visible. With the premium package you can also claim a business like it works with claiming a business on google (read more about Google Business listing on our article regarding GMB My Business).


Submit your listing

After you’ve selected the package you desire, you will now get redirected to the listing submission where you enter your business information. All fields are headed so you know what information to enter.
When finished with entering your information you can preview your listing and finally submit it so it shows on our huge database of businesses. Great!


Contact us if you need help

If you’re having issues with any of these steps or other questions don’t hesitate to contact us by either using our contact form or writing an e-mail to For more information about our mission and goal on visit our About Us page.

Happy listing!